Milk Rite / Interpuls Activity System Testimonial
Impulse IP-3 Liner & Shell System: Kingdom Haven Farm, Inc., Edgar WI…600 cows going to 1300. Nathan King, Milk Quality Specialist said “We Saved 30-45 minutes per milking!” They noticed immediately the difference….No squawking, No Slips, & Teat Ends were much Better!
Valiant Pre/Post is Preffered Dip: Tidy View Dairy, Kaukauna (near Green Bay)… 3000 cows. John Vosters (Co-owner) says even in -18 degrees F teat ends were softer. We put the whole heard on Valiant Pre/Post! Testimonial Front. Testimonial Back.
Recover Testimonial: Paul Wehrs Dairy, “I have a cold housing barn…..Nothing compares to Recover’s conditioning & kill.” (12-16-09)
UDDER COMFORT Testimonial: A Fresh Focus Publication with a series of different testimonials from different dairies. “They come in feeling , looking, doing better…” / “…Love it for prefresh heifers.” / “…Hit peaks quicker and have fewer problems…” / “… A definite better response from fresh cows and heifers…”
UDDER COMFORT – Siemers Testimonial: Seimers Holsteins of Newton WI milk 2700 cows that produce 100-105 pounds of milk per cow, per day while keeping Somatic Cell Count between 80,000 and 100,000. Jenny Siemers – “We are firm believers in Udder Comfort. Fresh Cows start better…We keep a lower SCC, and have less mastitis to treat.”
RECOVER (Winter Teat Dip) Testimonial from Minnesota! “I would recommend Recover to any producer that has an extreme cold housing situation….” “I will begin using it November 1st …. and will continue to use it throughout the entire winter.” “We are now buying 55 gallons at a time…” “Recover is a very good, economical post winter dip…” ” Cows do very will on it…. Teats are well conditioned.” ” The dip is thicker that the traditional post dip and stays on the teat not on the floor.”
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner – Shell System: Bob Hartz, Herdsman for Schumacher Farms in Elgin, MN said… ”Cows are more relaxed and comfortable, Better Teat Ends, No Squawking or Slips and WE SAVED 90 MINUTES PER DAY!” When asked if he would recommend the IMPULSE Triangular Liner-Shell System to other dairies Bob responded, “Absolutely….I wish we would have had them sooner!” Schumacher Farms milks 750 cows 3X in a Double 12 parlor.
Industrial Washer May Promote Lower SCC and Decrease Mastitis in Dairies: Three Wisconsin Dairies recently installed on-premise Continental washer-extractors to properly clean the cloth (Micro-Fiber) towels used to prepare cow udders for milking. Wayside Dairy – `Holsum Dairy – Pond Hill Dairy.
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner- Shell System – May 16, 2011: De-Su Holsteins, located in New Albin, IA milks 1,150 Cows, 3X in a Double 18 parlor are having tremendous success with the IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner-Shells. Darin Meyer, Owner and Herdsman says, “the IMPULSE IP-MV is the single best thing we’ve done at our dairy since we built the parlor.” He went on to say, “Since November 2010 when we put the IMPULSE IP-MV’s on we have not had those mastitis breakouts on those high producers.” He also said, “On an 8 hour shift we were able to pick up an extra 100 cows, just over a 10% increase!” Darin says, “They do a better job!”
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner-Shell System – October 11, 2011: Kinnamon Ridge Dairy LLC, located near Reedsburg, WI milks 630 cows, 3x in a Double 16 Herribone Parlor. Jerry White, owner noticed a difference immediately, “We had tons of slipping and squawking previously, now it’s next none.” “Reattaches have been virtually eliminated!” “Our teat ends are great now!” I have recommended the IMPULSE IP-MV to other producers….It’s a great product.”
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner-Shell System – October 19, 2011: Speltz Dairy LLC is located in Oak Ridge, MN milks 702 Cows, 3x in a Double 12 parlor. John Speltz, Owner, was experiencing poor teat ends and uneven milk-outs. John said he tried (3) other liners, a silcon liner, a round US branded liner and another popular liner…they did not work. He said, “As soon as I put a new liner on, I was looking for another.” He went on to say, “I noticed a difference right away.” “I did not know teat ends could look that good.” John concluded by saying, “Going into winter we’ve never had good teat ends. I’m really happy this year, as they are the best they’ve every been”
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner-Shell System – October 19, 2011: Schumacher Farms located in Eyota, MN, milks 90 cows, 2x in a tie stall barn. They’ve been milking with round inflations for 25 years. Jesse said, “We notice a difference immediately. We had one our high producing cows that took 15-18 minutes to milk-out. First night with the IMPULSE she dropped 10 minutes. Overall we noticed faster milk-outs!” Jesse went on to say, “Teat ends are the best they’ve ever been. SCC has dropped. We are sold on the IMPULSE!”
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner – Shell System October 27, 2011: Rancho Cantera, located near Kent, IL milks 1200 cows, 3X in a Double 20 parallel parlor. Bill Croatt, Manager said, ” Before going to the IMPULSE our parlor was very loud…we had lots of squawking. We also had hyperkeratosis Big Time! Lots of 3 & 4’s. Our SCC was over 400,000.” Bill said, “We’ve been able to now maintain 180,000 SCC and our squawking is non-existent. We attribute this successful 220,000 SCC swing to the IMPULSE System. Not only are we sold on IMPULSE, but our cows are too!”
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangualar Liner-Shell System February 27, 2012: Hilltop Dairy located in Markesan, WI milks 900 cows, 3X in a Double 12 Herringbone Parlor. Loren Greenfield, Owner said, “Before going to IMPULSE I just wasn’t happy with what I was seeing. Our cows were not comfortable and not milking out the way they should.” Loren said, “We put the IMPULSE Liner in and we noticed much faster milk-outs right away. In fact in 2 days we noticed that we picked up 1 hour per milking. Our overall teat end health is fantastic. Our Somatic Cell Count is the best it’s every been …We are 150,000. I have and will continue to recommend the IMPULSE Liner!”
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner Shell System April 4, 2012: Knutson Bros. Dairy (Mark, Ron & Chuck Knutson), located near Ossian, IA milks 215 cows, 2x in a Double 10 parlor. Mark owner says, ‘The single biggest observation we’ve made is that our SCC dropped from 230,000 to 140,000. The only major change we made in our normal operation was the IMPULSE liner. Our teat end condition is much better than it was and we don’t have the spiders and teat-end scabs we did before. Overall, we are treating less cows! What fascinates me the most is the how dry the teats are after the unit has detached from the udder. The teats are bone-dry with the IMPULSE liner, and before the teat ends were wet after detachment. Our post dip can now work like it’s suppose to. If you don’t have the IMPULSE you should!”
IMPULSE IP-MV Triangular Liner – Shell System April 4, 2012: STJ Holsteins (Tom, Sheila & Todd Johnson), located in Guttenberg, IA milks 160 cows, 2X in a Double 8 parlor. Tom says, ‘Since the liner/shell change, things have really turned around for us. Our SCC is now averaging 130,000 and we’ve been as low as 90,000. We are happy with that considering we were struggling in the 300,000 range prior to trying the IMPULSE liners. Our teat ends began showing improvement in 3-4 weeks. We also have observed how relaxed our cows are when being milked and units are removed – no tugging at the claws as the units retract. We really like the way they detach! I don’t see us trying a different liner unless they can make these better! We are really happy with them!”
BAC-DROP System – Surface Sanitize your Parlor: Speltz Dairy LLC, located in Oak Ridge, MN milks 702 cows, 3X in a Double 12 Parlor. John, owner says, ” A contributing factor in maintaining a 150,000 SCC is because of BAC-DROP in the parlor. It’s inexpensive to put it in an it’s a very cheap insurance policy. There’s no guessing, just spray the water and it’s there. I know whatever is sprayed is clean.” “There should be no farm without BAC-DROP in the parlor!”
BEE-LINE PRE 4-14-12: Brandau Village Farms LLC., located in Monroe County, WI milks 185 cows, 3x, in a Double 8 parallel parlor. Their cows are in a free-stall barn and bedded with saw dust. Prior to using BEE-LINE, Brad was pre-dipping with a .5% iodine. That’s all they’ve ever used. “With BEE-LINE our teats wiped off much cleaner and easier, the dirt just fell off. Our SCC went down by 50,000 and our treats for mastitis also went down considerably. Also it’s much cheaper than iodine. I really like BEE-LINE and would reccomend anybody milking cows to use it. BEE-LINE works!”
BEE-LINE PRE 5-1-12: Vorpahl Farms, located in Random Lake, WI milks 1200 Cows, 3X in a Double 24 parallel parlor. Their cows are in a free-stall barn and bedded with sand. Prior to using BEE-LINE PRE they were using a .5% iodine as their pre-dip. Tegan (Manager) said, “The single biggest observation to me is BEE-LINE PRE’s ability to stay on the teat and clean. BEE-LINE PRE allows our milkers to see the dirt on the teat and really clean it better. Our SCC has been as low as 130,000 and — bottom-line it’s more cost effective than iodine.”
Valiant PRE Dip Cleans and Kills 11-10-11: Nehl’s Brothers Dairy, Ltd., located near Juneau, WI milks 2000 cows, 3X in a Double 36 Parallel Parlor. Their free-stalls are currently bedded with recycled sand. Their SCC and mastitis rate was very high and costing them an estimated $515,000 a year. By switching to Valiant Pre their mastitis was reduced by 67%…projecting a savings of $300,000 per year. Jim Van Patter, Herdsman said, “The best thing about the Valiant Pre product is that it cut our mastitis cases in half. For alot of products, you don’t always get what is promised, but the Valiant Pre product worked extremely well for our dairy in cutting the cost of mastitis and improving teat condition.”
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